Donald Trump

Donald Trump's Social Media

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Cheryl Scott

With the polls showing Donald winning what it doesn’t show is the amount of illegals that have been registered such as in Alabama and Arizona. My question is what if the election is razor thin and it’s been proven illegals have swayed the election, since it is against the law for them to vote will Democrats fight against transparency and push the results through if we have a contested election? Why can’t we have a trusting election?

Marvin Pace

USA cannot take 4 more years of nitwits in control. Trump for the win for sure!

Trojviking Troy
Trusted Member

Trump could benefit from a decrease in consumer confidence and it looks like he is doing better in some swing states.

Russell Murdock
Active Member

Trump had better win

Beverly H Strickland
Active Member

Trump USA 🇺🇸 USA 🇺🇸

Sandi Michel
Active Member

President Trump will definitely win this election. The other choice, Kamala Harris rings the death knell of America.

Jose Illathu
Active Member

Trump will win land slide

Trojviking Troy
Trusted Member

I think the Trump vs Harris debate was a draw. I expected Trump to win big as Harris is normally not a great speaker. Any opinions and comments?

CJ Peavy
Active Member

I’d love to know what President Trump has done that has all the Democrats calling him a racist? And if you are going to point to the statement he made about “good people on both sides” then please educate yourself on what he actually said in the immediate lead up to the statement. Because it literally changes everything about your argument. Same goes for him saying illegal aliens were rapists, when if you listen to or read the entire clip you clearly hear him saying that the narcoterrorists and MS13 gang members are the ones he’s referring to. And “shit… Read more »

Jim Strong
Active Member

Shot on Trump looks too professional only saved by God

Candy Lewis

Hey Trump – where is your Twitter feed? Everyone else has one – where is yours?

Trojviking Troy
Trusted Member

I am glad Trump is talking it easy win Biden. No reason to kick a person who has already fallen and all polls favour Trump…..

Johnny Bones

I think we are in big trouble

Trojviking Troy
Trusted Member

I can’t wait for the debate. Trump is always entertaining….

Shannon Fraser
Active Member
Trojviking Troy
Trusted Member

I am glad Trump asked the other NATO countries to pay their shares.

Active Member

Trump is dominating the headlines and he is not even president. If elected could this country take another four seasons of the Trump show?


Trump needs to be a bit more tactful and less name-calling to appeal to the widest audience possible. We need a change from the Democrat drunken spending spree leadership or be prepared for the huge recession that will happen. In a recession the top 10% and bottom 10% will be just fine, but all those of us in the middle will be screwed.


If Trump never went into politics, how many of these lawsuits would have been brought against him?

Frank the tank

Hey Trump – where is your Twitter feed? Everyone else has one – where is yours?

Active Member

Checked your 401K lately? TRUMP!

Johnny Bones



This just in: baseless fear-mongering and unashamed racism apparently works for some Americans. Concerned for the future of politics.

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